Friday, October 5, 2018

Implemting Google Drive File Uploader using OAuth

Implementing Google Drive Text File Uploader using OAuth 2.0

Creating Project and Registering your API with Google

In this part we will register our project with google to get the credentials file required to implement the application.
Navigate to to start registering your api.

1. Create a project and continue

2. Enable API and go to credentials

3. Proceed to get your credentials (Click cancel in this window)
4. Navigate OAuth Consent Screen and fill the name and email using and save


5. Navigate to credentials tab and select OAuth client id
 6. Create OAuth client id (Select other)

7. After saving download your credentials.


Configuring Apache Tomcat Server 7 in NetBeans IDE 

1. Navigate to and download Core: 64-bit Windows zip and extract it to a location.

2. Go to tools -> server in NetBeans and click on Add Server

3. Set Server location to your extracted file path and create a user.


Now you can test server by running it. You should see Apache Tomcat webpage loaded locally.

Building the Project using NetBeans 

1. Main User Interface where user browse and click on upload.

2. Loading credentials into the program.
    Rename your credentials json file to client_secret.json and place it inside the user home directory/credentials/ folder for windows.
eg C:/Users/{UserName}/credentials/client_secret.json


3. Create Google file from file.

4. Upload success response and generating the link to view.

5. Final Response User Interface,

6. Built the project.

Running the Project using NetBeans 

Clone the project from github into a directory and open it using netbeans.

1. Add the required dependencies as shown if any is missing.

2. Run Upload using Apache Tomcat Server 7.


3. For the first time you will be asked to allow the app from google. Pick your account and allow it.

4. You should see following window and browse a text file and click on upload.

5. You should get a upload success webpage.

6. If you browse into output logs you should see the url to view the uploaded file.


7. File will be uploaded to your google drive.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Implementing Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection

Cross-site request forgery, also known as one-click attack or session riding and abbreviated as CSRF (sometimes pronounced sea-surf) or XSRF, is a type of malicious exploit of a website where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the web application trusts. There are many ways in which a malicious website can transmit such commands; specially-crafted image tags, hidden forms, and JavaScript XMLHttpRequests, for example, can all work without the user's interaction or even knowledge. Unlike cross-site scripting (XSS), which exploits the trust a user has for a particular site, CSRF exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser.

To prevent this we are using Synchronizer token pattern (STP) which is a technique where a token, secret and unique value for each request, is embedded by the web application in all HTML forms and verified on the server side. The token may be generated by any method that ensures unpredictability and uniqueness (e.g. using a hash chain of random seed). The attacker is thus unable to place a correct token in their requests to authenticate them.
Another technique used to prevent is Double Submit Cookie. If storing the CSRF token in session is problematic, an alternative defense is use of a double submit cookie. A double submit cookie is defined as sending a random value in both a cookie and as a request parameter, with the server verifying if the cookie value and request value match.
When a user authenticates to a site, the site should generate a (cryptographically strong) pseudorandom value and set it as a cookie on the user's machine separate from the session id. The site does not have to save this value in any way, thus avoiding server side state. The site then requires that every transaction request include this random value as a hidden form value (or other request parameter). A cross origin attacker cannot read any data sent from the server or modify cookie values, per the same-origin policy. This means that while an attacker can force a victim to send any value he wants with a malicious CSRF request, the attacker will be unable to modify or read the value stored in the cookie. Since the cookie value and the request parameter or form value must be the same, the attacker will be unable to successfully force the submission of a request with the random CSRF value.

Synchronizer Token Pattern

In the upcoming steps we will learn how to implement Synchronizer Token Pattern for a web application using simple steps.

1. User Login Page – Values prefilled to testing purposes.

2. Generate session identifier and set it as a cookie.

Uses express-session middleware and UUID library for defining session id.

Generated a session identifier and session cookie in chrome.

3. Generate the CSRF token and store in the server side.

The CSRF token is stored in memory and mapped to the session identifier

4. The endpoint receives the session cookie and based on the session identifier return the CSRF token value.

5. Implement a html page with a form and its method should be POST and action should be another URL ( '/login' ). When page loads run a script to obtain the CSRF token created for the session.

Once the page is loaded successfully, update form’s document object model and add a new hidden field that has the value of the received CSRF token (_csrf).

Once the csrf token returned from '/middleware' endpoint, we get the form id and assign it to a variable called 'form' and then, create a input type element and assign it to a variable called 'input'.
Then set input type, name and value as hidden, '_csrf' and the csrf token value obtained from the ajax call when the page loads and then we append the updated input element as one of the child elements to the html form element.

6. Once the HTML form is submitted to the action, in the server side, extract the received CSRF token value and check if it is the correct token issued for the relevant session.

If the session csrf token and the csrf token passed from the hidden input field or body is the same show a success message if not same show an error message.

Successful login screenshot.

Double Submit Cookies Pattern

In the upcoming steps we will learn how to implement Double Submit Cookies Pattern for a web application using simple steps.

1. User Login Page – Values prefilled to testing purposes.

2. Generate session identifier and set it as a cookie.

Uses express-session middleware and UUID library for defining session id.

3. Generate the CSRF token for the session and set a csrf cookie in the web browser.

httpOnly flag is set to false is to allow JavaScript to access the csrf cookie.

4. Implement a html page with a form and its method should be POST and action should be another URL ( '/login' ).

5. Once html form is loaded, run a JavaScript which reads the csrf token cookie value in the browser and add a hidden field to the html form modifying the DOM.

Obtain all the cookies using ‘document.cookie’ and split the key value pairs using ' ; '. After splitting, pass the key value pairs to an array. Using ‘for loop’, identify the csrf cookie by using the csrf cookie name set in the server side. Then extract the csrf token value and create a input element and append the input element to the html form element with the csrf token.

6. Obtain the CSRF token received in the cookie and also in the message body and compare them.

req.cookies._csrf is the csrf cookie with the csrf token value which was send to the server side after submitting the form. req.body._csrf contains the csrf token value in the hidden field input. If they match display a success message. If not show error message.

GitHub Repo link for complete code:

Implemting Google Drive File Uploader using OAuth

Implementing Google Drive Text File Uploader using OAuth 2.0 Creating Project and Registering your API with Google In this part we wil...